In more depressing news, over 200,000 people attended a Christian “pro-family” (read: anti-gay) rally in the capital of San Juan yesterday. The rally was a thumb in the eye to marriage equality and gay rights. Queerty reports:
The protestors organized in front of the Capitol building, blocking traffic in and out of the area, while blasting gospel music and brandishing banners defending so-called traditional marriage. They were also denouncing proposed legislation seeking to grant rights to gay couples. Cesar Vazquez Muniz, spokesman of Puerto Rico for the Family — the organization behind the rally — explained that their purpose was to protect traditional marriage and family values for the sake of, of course, the children.
A counter-protest for gay rights was held nearby:
Nearby, a smaller counter protest was going on in favor of gay rights, held by religious leaders and followers who refuted Puerto Rico Stands Up’s faith-based bigotry. “One of the struggles I’ve had with the church is its sexist and homophobic message, and obviously when I see that they are using the resources they have to promote discrimination I cannot stay quiet because that is not the message of God,” Pastor Yenen Silen told Univision.
Am I the only one who is sickened by the fact that thousands and hundreds of thousands will rally against giving rights to same sex couples, but no one rallies to protest the Church’s well-documented history of protecting pedophile priests?